Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Harry Potter: and the Half-Blood Prince

4.5 out of 5.

This is a great movie…and as part of a series it fits perfectly. Although it did lack a little as far as plot goes. It had action, drama, and humor. The actors for Draco and Ginny fell short in their performances to me…they just don’t really show a whole lot of emotion. Especially when they’re beside Daniel Radcliffe (Harry) and Emma Watson (Hermione)

For those who have not read the book:

It is next in the series. There is a lot of foreshadowing and leading up to the events of the next movie so where there is some action…there is also a few slightly boring ‘documentary’ moments. You will also be wondering where some plot choices they decided to include come from. I mean…BAM Ginny! What?

The ending was also a little weirdly directed because through the whole movie they made Harry very impulsive (like at the Burrow) and towards the end there is no indication that he is frozen by Dumbledore…but just watching and not being impulsive like he had been the whole rest of the movie. A little confusing and disappointing.

For those who have read the book:

As a lot of movies based on books go, it is basically a refresher of the events of the book…minus some cool parts I personally would’ve liked to see included. There is so many things they were trying to cover it seemed to jump around a lot and they focused on ‘love triangles’ too much.

I definately recommend this movie to anyone who has seen the other movies and enjoys the story. I think it was one of the most humorous in the series but not cheesy. Even with its shortcomings it was great!

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